Interface SeriesSummary

A series dictionary that contains a subset of the attributes found on a normal Series. This is returned on the API endpoint for all series.


  • SeriesSummary


artist: string

The artist of the series.

author: string

The author of the series.

cover: string

A relative url to the series' primary cover.

description: string

The description of the series. May or may not contain HTML.

groups: { [groupId: string]: string }

An object of group IDs and their respective names.

The groups object is the same object for all series when obtained via the /get_all_series endpoint. This object may be different from the one obtained from the individual series endpoint.

Type declaration

  • [groupId: string]: string
last_updated: number

The Unix timestamp of when the series was last updated.

slug: string

The id of the series.

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