Interface SeriesPageData


  • SeriesPageData


alt_titles: string[]

A list of alternate titles for the series.

alt_titles_str: string

A string containing all alternate titles for the series.

author: string

The author of the series.

available_features: ["detailed", "compact", "volumeCovers", "rss", "download"]

A list of features that are available for the series. This list is static for all responses.

canonical_url: string

The full URL to the series page on the website.

chapter_list: [string, string, string, string, string, [number, number, number, number, number, number], number][]

A list of lists containing information on each chapter.

The sub-lists can be thought of as a tuple where the elements mean the following, in order:

  1. The chapter number.
  2. The chapter number (again).
  3. The chapter title.
  4. A slugified version of the chapter number. Dots are replaced with dashes. For integer chapter numbers this value should be the same as the first and second elements.
  5. The name of the group that uploaded the chapter or Multiple Groups if the chapter is uploaded by multiple groups.
  6. The date and time the chapter was published. This is another tuple-like list that has these elements:
    1. The year.
    2. The month, starting from 0.
    3. The day.
    4. The hour.
    5. The minute.
    6. The second.
  7. The chapter's volume (integer) or the string null.
cover_vol_url: string

A RelativeURL to the cover image of the series.

cover_vol_url_webp: string

An URL similar to cover_vol_url but the file is a .webp file.

embed_image: string

A full URL to the image that should be shown for Facebook/Twitter/other social media embeds.

metadata: [[string, string], [string, string], [string, number], [string, string]]

A list of lists containing the metadata for each volume in the series. Each sub-list is actually a key-value pair, where the first element is the name and the second element is the value. The value can be a string or an integer.

So far, the structure of the metadata is as follows:

json [ [ "Author", "<author>" ], [ "Artist", "<artist>" ], [ "Views", 123456 ], [ "Last Updated", "Ch. <latest chapter number> - <year>-<month>-<day>" ] ]

reader_modifier: string

The part of the relative_url that does not contain the slug. The modifier can be used in conjunction with slug to construct the relative url to the series page.

relative_url: string

The RelativeURL to the series page on the website.

root_domain: string

The root domain of the series. This is a domain name without the protocol.

series: string

The title of the series.

series_id: number

The internal ID of the series.

slug: string

The slug of the series.

synopsis: string

The synopsis of the series.

version_query: string

A query string containing the first 7 characters of the git commit's SHA-1 ID that the server is running off of.

volume_list: [number, [string, string, string, [number, number, number, number, number, number]][]][]

A list of lists containing information on each volume.

The sub-lists can be thought of as a tuple where the elements mean the following, in order:

  1. The volume number.

  2. A list of lists containing chapters in the volume. Each chapter entry can be thought of as a tuple where the elements mean the following, in order:

    1. The chapter number.

    2. A slugified version of the chapter number. Dots are replaced with dashes. For integer chapter numbers this value should be the same as the first and second elements.

    3. The name of the group that uploaded the chapter or Multiple Groups if the chapter is uploaded by multiple groups.

    4. The date and time the chapter was published. This is another tuple-like list that has these elements:

      1. The year.
      2. The month, starting from 0.
      3. The day.
      4. The hour.
      5. The minute.
      6. The second.

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